News Articles

Managing News Articles

Basic HTML Managing Files

Adding a news article

Before you can add a news article, you will need to set up the categories.

Adding a category

Categories are used to easily manage the news articles and enable you to filter out your content on the website.

  • Hover over the News tab at the top.
  • Select Categories from the drop down menu.
  • On the right-hand-side of the page there is a button called Add a new group, click this.

Add a new group button

You will then need to enter details to add the group. The fields are:

Name This is the name of the group.

SlugThis will generate automatically from the name and will appear in the URL to show you the path of the page.

ParentYou have the option to nest your groups within other groups.

Hide from public listsYou can choose whether to make your group public or not.

Now the category has been created you can create a new article.

Adding a new article

  • Hover over the News tab at the top.
  • Select Articles from the drop down menu.
  • On the right-hand-side of the page there is a button called Add a new article, click this.

Add a new article button

You will then need to enter details to add the article. The fields are:

Subject This is the name of the article.

SlugThis will generate automatically from the name and will appear in the URL to show you the path of the article.

PublishedFrom this dropdown you can select the following options:

Yes - This will show the article as live.

Scheduled - This allows you to schedule when you want the page to go live.

No - This will stay as a draft, until you change the status.

Publish dateYou can choose the date you would like the article to show and even backdate articles.

CategoriesIf you have set up one category, it will pre-select this by default. If you create more than one, you will then be able to select as many categories that are relevant to the article.

Introduction to article

This is the content that will show on the news list page, giving people a snippet of content before they click through to view the full article. You will only need to add the first paragraph of content in here. You add content to this the same way as you would a page.

Body of article

This is the content that will show on the individual news item. You will need to add the entire article content here. You add content to this the same way as you would a page.